Erectile Dysfunction Because Diabetes

Early signs of diabetes is difficult to maintain an erection (impotence). Diabetes is a disease of excess blood sugar. Excess blood sugar is because the hormone insulin that is contained in the body is damaged. So it can not maintain blood sugar levels to normal.

Some of the problems caused by diabetes?
Problem to be accepted because diabetes is diverse, it would make people have to change his lifestyle to keep healthy. I'll give a cause of diabetes:

1. Diabetes causes damage to the nervous system that will make your erection becomes difficult.
2. Because of diabetes, men will suffer from erectile dysfunction / impotence.
3. Men if a diabetic who must take medication regularly and take a long time.
4. Men know that they have diabetes when they seek treatment for erectile dysfunction problems.

37-79 percent of men who have diabetes will suffer from erectile dysfunction / impotence. The problem of erectile dysfunction has become a very common problem especially in older age men. Men who have diabetes will experience erectile problems 10 year old more quickly than men who did not have diabetes problems.

Can diabetics have a good sex life?

Patients with diabetes can have a good sexual quality if they visit a doctor for consultation, so that doctors can control and give the right medicine.

The doctor will conduct research on your body. The doctor will look for the main cause of your erectile dysfunction problem, what you are experiencing problems in the nervous system or bloodstream of you who are not fluent, or other problems. Diabetics who suffer from erectile problems treatment should be done quickly. Because if it is too long, you will cause permanent erectile dysfunction.

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