6 Erectile Dysfunction Drug Side Effects!

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction is a man who could get an erection but in a very short time so that her partner does not feel satisfied. If this is done in a long time, can make a divorce in your household. Avoid consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and others that will cause constriction of blood vessels to the penis.

Men who experience erectile dysfunction, can be cured in a very fast, ie with the consumption of drugs such as pills, capsules, and others. But did you know that the use of these drugs can cause side effects that will make you feel less comfortable?

I will mention some of the side effects you feel if the consumption of the drug.

The use of powerful drugs can cause headaches (migraine).

Abdominal Discomfort
May cause abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Muscle Pain
The use of these drugs may experience back pain.

Blushing Hot & Sense
Can lead to chest, neck, or your face becomes red and feels warm.

Symptoms Nose & Throat
Can get a sore throat and stuffy nose.

Memory Problems
Can cause dementia if consumed over long periods.

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